Friday, February 12, 2010


First impression; Bangalore was jaw dropping from the moment we left the airport. Once we entered the city in a taxi the intensity thickened. From narrow streets, fast moving, non-stop jumbled traffic (not always dividing lines, so sometimes the drivers swerve around vehicles moving too slow and it seems for a moment that a head on collision with on-coming traffic is imminent, to cows and dogs roaming the streets। We arrived safely at the home of our beautiful hosts, friends of friends. After a day of getting oriented with the city, the pace and the culture the original sense of bewilderment subsided. Now I am more used to things here in Bangalore, and feeling ready to explore more of what India has to offer. Next stop Mysore!

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm...various assortments of curry.
    I really like your photos!
